Episode 18 - Trump Assassination on the Grand Chessboard

In this episode I cover the post assassination attempt handling of the event by the Republican establishment. How they are running the same play they always run on America, complete with their faux outrage and promises to get to the bottom of it and hold people accountable.

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Everyone should know by now that nothing significant will come of their supposed investigation, and in fact they are actually aiding the cover up to protect those who orchestrated the hit.

I contend that firing the head of the SS is a fake out that allows them to sweep it all away eventually. It's an easy tell because their premise for the hearings is to expose the mistakes and incompetence that led to the breakdown that allowed the shooter to get into position and take his shots.

That's the psyop, and they further call for the head of the SS to be fired as a result of her negligence. Once they establish this narrative, the real perpetrators are protected and walk free, as always.

They know they're lying and they are doing it to protect their real bosses - the globalist cabal running all this madness. I propose what the narrative should look and sound like if we had real representation in Congress. But we don't, they're lying con artists put in place as the rear guard action for the Dems and the Globalist cabal.

And, as usual, nobody will be held accountable.
