Episode 19 - Tyranny, Like Hell, is not Easily Conquered

In this video I cover an article I wrote during Obama's first term as President. Governor Jan Brewer had just had her lawsuit against the Obama administration thrown out, basically violating the Constitution and all of the immigration laws of America.

Click HERE to watch this video.

You can read the original article from my blog HERE.

It was a despicable ruling, and somewhat unprecedented for the time, but has since become a daily occurrence. I wrote the article highlighting the serious issues that we were facing in light of this ruling. It was sort of a benchmark of the tyranny we were going under.

We have since sprinted far past that point, and in the article you can see how much more naive and optimistic I was about the American people, the Republican Party and the political process.

That part of me is dead, I now understand how far down the path of tyranny we are, and how it seems that there is no longer a political solution. Our only hope was that we could reform the Republican Party by electing strong candidates and then holding them mercilessly accountable.

I've watched since I wrote this in abject horror as the status quo continues to wreak havoc on everything that America once stood for. By that, I mean that we are electing congress men and woman the exact same way we always have. We are treating them the exact same way we always have, and worst of all we are falling for all of their pretty lies exactly as we always have.

As a result, things haven't changed all that much. In fact, one could argue that things are much, much worse. That is my position, the sobering reality that over almost 2 decades of public awakening, when it comes right down to it, people are doing things pretty much the same way they always have. And I have to include myself in this group.

Sure, I'm shouting from the social media rooftops, but with all the suppression and shadow banning, lies and demonization of all of it, what difference am I really making? I'm not sure. But I don't really know what else to do.

We have no legal recourse. We have no political recourse. We have little to no social or cultural recourse. We are being pushed into a corner with only one way out. And as law abiding citizens, we are having that used against us.

But what else can we or should we do? I know that I will continue to be engaged in the ongoing political debate until they drag me away or put a bullet in my head. Either way, I will not shut up and I will not stand down. We are nearing the endgame and everyone needs to realize this.

So, be vigilant, raise your voice as loudly and forcefully as you can, and as always , prepare accordingly because we are not heading into, we are already under, the grip of tyranny and it's just going to get tighter and tighter.
