Episode 6 - Pawns In The Game, The Global Elite 25 Point Plan To Conquer Humanity


In this episode I draw from the book Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr, published in 1958.

Click HERE to watch this video.

While this book is full of enlightening details about how we have arrived where we are today in history, I focus only on the pages that detail the meeting between Meyer Rothschild & 12 of the ruling elite of that time, where they discuss the 25 point plan to capture all of humanity and the world's resources.

From page 45:

6. He then admonished his listeners with these words "The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it."

This point to me is perhaps the most significant. I am concerned that that is why we are seeing such an unmasking of not only them and their true evil, but also we see so many notable personalities in media and culture suddenly coming out and professing their full throated rejection of the coming New World Order. Are they all coming out now because they know we won't be able to stop the final phase of their plan? Have they made the calculation, as I have referenced so many times before, that they know that we are conquered so no longer fear any possible resistance we might try to mount to what has already begun?

Face it, they're destroying the currency and the economy, they're destroying our infrastructure, food production, energy, you name it. They're unleashing bio-weapons on us, pushing for what we know to be poisonous death shots. They're fomenting race war, civil war, class war, and even World War. We are there folks. The Great Reset has already begun, and everything that has led up to this lines up almost perfectly with what was laid out in this meeting 250 years ago.

As I go through each of these points it is self-evident how much of the plan has come to fruition and that we are living right now, today. Call it coincidence, call it conspiracy, call it whatever you like, but it's a cold slap in the face once you see it.

This meeting supposedly took place in 1773, 250 years ago and I've discussed repeatedly how we are not fighting a recent power phenomenon. No, we're fighting a force of wealth and power whose current iteration has been in place for 250 years, and it appears we are very near the culmination of this plan. 

That's right, the coming wars, bio-weapons attacks, famine, depopulation, etc., will all pave the way for The Great Reset that will give them the ultimate control over humanity they've been lusting over for literally centuries.
