Episode 15 - The End of Everything, History Repeats

In this episode I tie a couple books together to help explain the path we're on and its correlation to history.

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The first book is titled "The End of Everything" by Victor Davis Hanson. In this book he discusses the unfortunate occurrences in history where entire cultures our erased. He cites four examples, Alexander The Great's defeat of Thades, The Romans defeat at Carthage, The Turks defeat of Constantinople and Spain's defeat of the Aztecs.

My contention is that he wrote this book as a warning to not just America, but the world, that we are in danger of repeating history & that America resembles some of the circumstances of these conquered cultures just before they fell.

I'll include  a link to the video interview he gave where he goes through each of these four scenarios. It's an excellent synopsis of the book.

The next book I tie in to this topic is "Hellstorm" by Thomas Goodrich. This book is a historical account of events towards the end of World War II but from the German perspective. It goes over the savagery and outright annihilation of large swaths of the German population with the targeted bombing aimed at civilians. It's a ruthless and bloody massacre of innocent women and children.

This account of these horrific events paint a picture of the bloody and indiscriminate savagery that can occur during warfare. And my point is that all of the German population was targeted for destruction by years of warfare propaganda, so we sat idly by as innocent people were slaughtered and shown absolutely no mercy.

I contend that circumstances are being set up today for the merciless slaughter of Americans, white people, and basically anyone deemed "the other" by the same factions that created the conditions for slaughter in post WWII Germany. In short, we are repeating history.

The signs are everywhere, whiteness is being erased from history in real time today. And it's just going to get worse if something doesn't change the path we are on. I make the point that history is written by the victors. We learn little about the history and cultures of those in Hanson's book, as future generations will know little about what America and all of Western Civilization was if our adversaries are successful when the war we're being pushed towards breaks out.

Those of us that disagree with what our government is doing will be given no quarter by a conquering foe, as German civilians were given no quarter after WWII.

Both books are worth reading, and there is also an excellent video on Hellstorm that I will post below. It's worth watching.

The End of Everything video

Hellstorm video
