Episode 16 - The New World Order, by Ralph Epperson Part I

In this episode I dive into the bombshell publication, The New World Order by Ralph Epperson, released in 1991. 

Click HERE to watch this video.

In this book he shows in great detail the coming plan of the New World Order, and it's not hard to see how much of it is happening right under our noses today, as we witness the rampant warpath that the Democrats are on, the complete annihilation of our southern border, the destruction of supply chains, food supplies, infrastructure, & unleashing catastrophic level weather warfare on humanity.

It's truly stunning to witness the daily assault on humanity, and the near complete ignorance of it by so many people around the world and right here in America. 

This episode primarily discusses the Introduction to the book. It really lays the groundwork for future episodes by detailing the many many voices of those with political, social or cultural power that have said in their own words that the New World Order is coming and that nobody is going to stop it.

I don't know what else people need to see to finally get it through to them that... It's Real... It's Happening... & It's Crazy...!

Here are a couple examples of them telling humanity everything they're going to do and are already doing to us. Yet too many shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes at the mere suggestion that humanity and Western Civilization is being completely annihilated by a small group of powerful elite.

    "Our nation is uniquely endowed to play a creative and decisive role in the new order which is              taking form around us." - Henry Kissinger, 1975

    "We are likely to do better by building our house of world order from bottom up rather than from         top down ... an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to      world order faster than the old-fashioned assault." - Richard N. Gardner, Council on Foreign                 Relations, 1974

and this one...

    "Communism has behind it occult forces which for a long time have been working for the                      overthrow of the Christian Social Order" - Pope Pius XI, 1937

There are endless quotes from world leaders and scholars just like these. The fact most can't see it or believe it is a testament to how effective their mind control systems are. Hollywood, music, sports, entertainment, all of it captivating average minds that absolutely refuse to even spend 5 minutes looking in to any of this. It's truly stunning.

Look for future episodes where I will be delving into the rest of this must read book.
