Episode 17 - The New World Order, by Ralph Epperson - Part II

In this episode I dive further into the bombshell publication, The New World Order by Ralph Epperson, released in 1991. 

Click HERE to watch this video.

In this book he shows in great detail the coming plan of the New World Order, and it's not hard to see how much of it is happening right under our noses today, as we witness the rampant warpath that the Democrats are on, the complete annihilation of our southern border, the destruction of supply chains, food supplies, infrastructure, & unleashing catastrophic level weather warfare on humanity.

It's truly stunning to witness the daily assault on humanity, and the near complete ignorance of it by so many people around the world and right here in America. 

This episode covers chapters one through nine, providing more insight into the history of the New World Order agenda, and looks into the future at what's in store if they are successful implementing their diabolical agenda.

Here are a couple examples from these chapters:

    "World government is coming. In fact, it is inevitable. No arguments for it or against it can change that fact." - Norman Cousins, President of the World Federalist Society

    From Chapter 2 - The New Age Movement: So the New Age, like the Masons, feel that Christianity is the enemy, a force to be countered, not by open debate, but by contempt and ridicule, and as shall be illustrated later, by even murder. - Author unknown

And this absurd claim by supposed intellectual George Bernard Shaw: 

    "I also made it quiet clear that Socialism means equality of income or nothing, and under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor."

There is much more, jaw-dropping commentary directly from the mouths of the practitioners of this new Religion we are going to have forced upon us. 

I will have at least on more episode covering this book as we still have several chapters to cover.
