I pick up where I left off from Episode 23 - Moves on the Grand Chessboard, Early 20th Century Part - II, at the end of World War II.
I begin this video with the establishment of stay behind networks in Operation Gladio, incorporating much of the Nazi spy network. Some may find it surprising that after fighting so hard to defeat Hitler and the Nazi's, with the help of Communist Russia, we turn around and then basically assimilate much of Hitler's espionage network into our own, run & controlled by the OSS - the precursor to the CIA.
If you've studied this at all you know about this, as well as Operation Paperclip that brought many of the best & brightest scientists over from Germany. It was a mad scramble, competing with Russia, to track and absorb as many of the scientists and anything else we could get our hands on that might benefit us militarily.
I jump ahead to Mao's defeat of Chiang Kai-shek to establish a Communist dictatorship in China. Our own CIA and Elite actually went against America's best interest by helping Mao rise to power. That event right there should prove to everyone how much of an enemy of America this power structure was, is, & continues to be, operating out of Washington DC, paid for by our tax dollars. Unbelievable.
I go through the Korean War and its geopolitical significance, touch on the Kinsey report and it's significance to the sexual revolution that drove a wedge into America's strong and healthy Traditional Culture, the backbone of America's strength.
From the rise of Hugh Hefner, a honey pot creation much like Epstein, the hippie counter culture, and the damage that movement has done to our culture. All orchestrated by the ruling elite largely through the CIA.
There's so much to cover during this period of American history, the assassination of JFK, the introduction of The Great Society legislation by LBJ, the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, Operation Popeye, the 1965 Immigration Act, some interesting - and a little comical - movie disclosure & on and on.
I don't even get out of the 60's before I have to wrap up this episode, leaving much more to be covered in Part II of this video series, Moves on the Grand Chessboard, Late 20th Century.
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